Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Online Robbers and the $25 Scam

By Karyn Weger

The Internet Thieves and Their Evil Plan to Steal From You

You can't trust anyone nowadays, so "they" say.

So you must be cautious. You can not just go round trusting people. You had better just believe that everyone is a crook, waiting to exploit you. It's safer that way.

You need to just say that everything is a lie. Do not even trust your ma. She is out to get you, so don't turn your back... Not even for a second.

Certainly don't trust your friends. (That is simply a whole 'nother story)

And especially... ESPECIALLY... Never trust ANYBODY online. Those thieves are just out to get you. They are professionals, after all. Pro thieves out to get YOU.

Honestly? Internet Thieves?

In the words of folk MUCH older than me? HOGWASH!!

Now... Are there nasty people doing bad things online? Of course.

Are there unpleasant folks OFF line doing the same? Definitely.

Pick up a paper (do those even exist any more??) ... Or switch on the TV or go on Yahoo! Whatever.

Bank robberies, ponzi schemes, car jackings, crime, burglary, murder... And of course what SOME may say is the largest heist of all, the Government.

So... Do you continue to go into banks? Drive your vehicle, put stuff in the mail, sign checks? Naturally you do.

Why? Because you understand how to use judgement. That self-preservation sense we have that tells us not to walk into dark alleys, to lock our doors at night and to get the hell out of the bank when there are folk with trenchcoats and ski masks... And it's 90 degrees out.

So you just make appropriate choices. Hopefully.

So Why Do We Think Folks Online are Internet Thieves?

Hype. Sensationalism. And, of course, some bad apples.

But doesn't it seem sensible to use the same judgement online as off?

What About the Web Heroes?

What if I told you there are some GOOD ones out there in net land? Because there are.

What if I told you that these people would actually help you? Because they can.

What if I told you that there are real, truthful, proved systems to create an incredible business online, with no risk? Now, before you scream "Internet Thieves!" and click away as quickly as you can... Stop. As there are.

Don't accept my word for it... I would be one of "them", after all...

Here's the PROOF!

Here is the reality:

The net has created countless millionaires as it levels the playing field. It permits "normal" people to compete in the same marketplace as everyone else.

No longer have you got to have a bunch of money to make a handful of money. And if you don 't believe it, pick up that newspaper again (see above) and skip past the bad stuff and have a look at all the stories of folk who have made it. 15 year old youngsters. Gramps. Justin Bieber (sorry... But you cannot deny his success from a YouTube video, can you?).

There are people who are so "normal" they'd make you feel like a rock star, yet they're making tons of money.


Because they didn't just think everyone is a thief. They learned how to create an online business, no different than any other business. And they learned that if they shared that with others, the network... The synergy... The power of the group may be incredible.

So that is what they did. And it'll cost $25 to become a part of it, and change your future.

But what if it's NOT what I assert it is?

Are you kidding me? You can't even go to a hit movie for $25. You wish to change your life, but you're gonna worry about one or two dollars? If you'd like to succeed, you've got to take action, whether offline or web-based doesn 't make a difference. So take action today.

If not, that is O.K. as well. Just watch out for all those internet crooks, and be sure to lock your auto door... It's for your own good.

About the Author:

Jasa Pembuat toko Online

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